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Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
Norsap produkter
Boss Series(Frekhaug Stål)
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Boss Series(Frekhaug Stål)
Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
Vilkår og betingelser
[email protected]
. : 926920316
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Boss Series(Frekhaug Stål)
Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
Vilkår og betingelser
Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
Rustfrie Kasteblokker
fiskeutstyr og fartøys utrustning
Sjakler, svivler og C-link
Norsap produkter
Boss Series(Frekhaug Stål)
Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
Mini-Block with Swivel Eye str 25 wll 60 kg 5 stk
1 449,-
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Mini-Block with Swivel Eye str 30 60 kg, 5 stk
1 549,-
Les mer
Mini-Block with Swivel Eye str 35 wll 60 kg ,5stk
1 564,-
Les mer
Mini-Block with Swivel Eye str 40. 5 stk
1 756,-
Les mer
Sanma Block with Jaw Top wll 400kg
3 770,-
Les mer
Samna Block med sjakkel topp wll 170kg
1 464,-
Les mer
Samna Block med sjakkel topp
2 943,-
Les mer
Sanma Block with Swivel Top str 50 wll 300kg
1 133,-
Les mer
Sanma Block with Swivel Top str 75 wll 550 kg
2 033,-
Les mer
Sanma Block with Swivel Top str 100 wll 950kg
2 768,-
Les mer
Sanma Block with Swivel Top str 50 , 2 stk Wll 300kg
2 184,-
Les mer
Sanma Block with Swivel Top str 75, wll 550kg
1 939,-
Les mer
Sanma Block with Swivel Top str 100, wll 950kg
2 525,-
Les mer
Swivel (Jaw & Jaw), str 6. 5 stk
1 757,-
Les mer
Swivel (Jaw & Jaw) str 8. 5 stk
2 342,-
Les mer
Swivel (Jaw & Jaw) Str 10 , 4 stk
2 928,-
Les mer
Swivel (Jaw & Jaw) str 13 , 2 stk
2 501,-
Les mer
Swivel (Jaw & Jaw) str 16
2 379,-
Les mer
Swivel (Jaw & Jaw) str 19
3 964,-
Les mer
Swivel (Jaw & Jaw) str 22
6 282,-
Les mer
Akter rulle 3 veis str 260
22 558,-
Les mer
Akter rulle 3 veis str 320
32 074,-
Les mer
3 veis ruller str 150
9 065,-
Les mer
3 veis ruller str 200
10 968,-
Les mer
3 veis ruller str 250
15 066,-
Les mer
3 veis ruller str 300
21 411,-
Les mer
Free Shackle wll 2.6t
2 474,-
Les mer
Free Shackle wll 3,6t
3 499,-
Les mer
Free Shackle wll 5,2t
6 281,-
Les mer
Purse Shackle PAT 0,6t 5 stk
5 255,-
Les mer
Purse Shackle PAT wll 1t , 2 stk
4 535,-
Les mer
Swivel Snap Hook wll 120kg 5 stk
2 327,-
Les mer
Swivel Snap Hook wll 140kg. 5 stk
2 766,-
Les mer
Swivel Snap Hook wll 150kg. 5 stk
3 498,-
Les mer
Swivel Snap Hook wll 250kg. 4 stk
4 523,-
Les mer
Swivel Snap Hook wll 560 kg 2 stk
4 989,-
Les mer
Swivel Snap Hook Type 2 wll 1t
4 529,-
Les mer
Snap Hook PAT wll 1,3t
4 230,-
Les mer
Snap Hook PAT Wll 1,8t
4 963,-
Les mer
Snap Hook PAT Wll 2,5t
7 890,-
Les mer
AK Hook Type G. Wll 400kg. 2 stk
2 790,-
Les mer
Slip Hook with Swivel Eye, Forged Wll 500kg
2 925,-
Les mer
Slip Hook with Swivel Eye, Forged wll 1t
4 816,-
Les mer
Slip Hook with Fixed Eye, Forged wll 320kg, 4 stk
2 766,-
Les mer
Slip Hook with Fixed Eye, Forged wll 500kg. 4 stk
3 938,-
Les mer
Slip Hook with Fixed Eye, Forged wll 1t. 2 stk
2 766,-
Les mer
Slip Hook with Fixed Eye, Forged wll 2t.
3 352,-
Les mer
Slip Hook with Fixed Eye, Forged Wll 3t
5 402,-
Les mer
Slip Hook with Fixed Eye, Forged wll 750kg. 10 stk
2 415,-
Les mer
Slip Hook wll 95kg. 10 stk
3 352,-
Les mer
Slip Hook wll 100kg. 10 stk
4 230,-
Les mer
Heavyduty C-Link Wll 230kg. 10 stk
2 061,-
Les mer
Heavyduty C-Link Wll 300kg. 10 stk
2 793,-
Les mer
Heavyduty C-Link wll 520kg. 5 stk
2 793,-
Les mer
Heavyduty C-Link Wll 620 kg. 5 stk
4 501,-
Les mer
Heavyduty C-Link wll 860kg. 5 stk
7 063,-
Les mer
Heavyduty C-Link wll 1,1t, 4 stk
7 917,-
Les mer
Heavyduty C-Link Wll 1,26t , 4 stk
10 858,-
Les mer
Heavyduty C-Link Wll 1,65t 4 stk
16 104,-
Les mer
Strong C-Linkwll 290kg. 10 stk
2 061,-
Les mer
Strong C-Link Wll 390kg. 10 stk
3 477,-
Les mer
Strong C-Link Wll 520kg. 10 stk
4 135,-
Les mer
Strong C-Link Wll 690kg. 10 stk
7 307,-
Les mer
Strong C-Link Wll 880kg. 5 stk
5 477,-
Les mer
Strong C-Link Wll 1,05t. 4 stk
6 453,-
Les mer
Purse Coupling wll 1,86t. 5 stk
5 978,-
Les mer
Chorker Hook-R Wll 3,4t
14 505,-
Les mer
Purse Ring
12 187,-
Les mer
Purse Ring Type-O (SCM Roller) str120. Wll 3t
10 113,-
Les mer
Purse Ring Type O str 120. Wll 3t
10 113,-
Les mer
Purse Ring Type O str 189. Wll 3t
14 993,-
Les mer
Purse Ring Type BL Size 100 PAT Wll 3,5t
14 993,-
Les mer
Purse Ring Type BL -60- PAT. (SCM Roller) Wll 2,5t
8 161,-
Les mer
Purse Ring Type BL PAT. Wll 2,5t
8 161,-
Les mer
Purse Snap Shackle Type-2 PAT Wll 800kg
3 581,-
Les mer
Purse Auto Shackle PAT str M, Wll 800kg.
3 281,-
Les mer
Purse Auto Shackle PAT str L, Wll 1.3t
4 623,-
Les mer
Auto Shackle str L Wll 1,3t
2 753,-
Les mer
Auto Shackle Type 3 Str M, wll 0,8t
1 900,-
Les mer
Auto Shackle Type 3 Str L Wll 1,3t
4 013,-
Les mer
Auto Shackle Type 2S str L Wll 2,8t
5 795,-
Les mer
Auto Shackle Type 2 PAT Str L, Wll 2t
5 355,-
3 199,-
Les mer
Snap Hook Type B Wll 3t
5 475,-
4 690,-
Les mer
AK Hook Type G Wll 400kg. 10 stk
6 453,-
Les mer
Snap Hook PAT str 1SH Wll 1,3t
2 682,-
Les mer
Snap Hook PAT str 2HS, Wll 1,8t
3 281,-
Les mer
Snap Hook PAT str 3HS, Wll 2,5t
5 001,-
Les mer
Snap Ringstr 1SR, Wll 450kg
4 867,-
Les mer
Snap Ring str 2SR, 0,7t
8 771,-
Les mer
Snap Ring Sr 3SR Wll 0,75t
13 407,-
Les mer
Snap Ring Type IL Wll 1,5t
14 627,-
Les mer
AK Snatch Block Type 3-A, Shingle Sheave (with Forged Hook Top) PAT. Wll 1,4t
3 647,-
Les mer
AK Snatch Block Type 3-A, Shingle Sheave (with Forged Hook Top) PAT. Wll 2,85t
5 488,-
Les mer
AK Block Type 3-A, Single Sheave (with Forged Hook Top) PAT. Wll 0,5t
3 647,-
Les mer
AK Block Type 3-A, Double Sheave (with Forged Hook Top) PAT. Wll 0,5t
4 867,-
Les mer
AK Block Type 3-A, Single Sheave (with Forged Hook Top) PAT. Wll 1t
5 599,-
Les mer
AK Block Type 3-A, Double Sheave (with Forged Hook Top) PAT. Wll 1t
7 795,-
Les mer
AK Snatch Block Type 3-A, Single Sheave (with Eye Top) PAT. Wll 0,5t
4 257,-
Les mer
AK Snatch Block Type 3-A, Single Sheave (with Eye Top) PAT. Wll 1t
7 307,-
Les mer
AK Snatch Block Type 3-A, Single Sheave (with Eye Top) PAT. Wll 1,2t
10 235,-
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AK Snatch Block Type 3-A, Single Sheave (with Eye Top) PAT. Wll 2,5t
19 751,-
Les mer
Hanging Roller Type PB, rustfri lager. Wll 1t
8 893,-
Les mer
Hanging Roller Type PB, rustfri lager Wll 1,3t
14 993,-
Les mer
AK Wani-Block Type P PAT. Wll 350kg.
3 647,-
Les mer
AK Wani-Block Type P PAT Wll 600kg.
5 721,-
Les mer
AK Wani-Block Type P PAT. Wll 1t
9 747,-
Les mer
AK Wani-Block Type P PAT. Wll 1,5t
16 213,-
Les mer
Wide Sheave Wani-Block (with Bearing) PAT.P. Wll 1t
15 359,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB Double Sheave Rustfrie lager. Wll 400kg
4 745,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB Double Sheave Rustfrie lager. Wll 600kg.
11 577,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB Double Sheave Rustfrie lager. Wll 1t
21 838,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB med rustfire lager. Wll 400kg
2 061,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB med rustfire lager. Wll 600kg.
5 111,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB med rustfire lager. Wll 1t
6 819,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB. Wll 400kg
2 061,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB. Wll 600kg
4 623,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB. Wll 1t
6 819,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB II. Wll 1,5t
13 407,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB-S Stainless sheave. Wll 1t
6 087,-
Les mer
AK Block Type PB-S nylon sheave. Wll 1t
5 965,-
Les mer
Tough Block type PB. Wll 3t
26 827,-
Les mer
Tough Block type PB. Wll 5t
34 147,-
Les mer
Tough Block type PB. Wll 6t
42 578,-
Les mer
Heavyduty Block, Type S2. Wll 5t
35 997,-
Les mer
Heavyduty Block, Double Sheave. Wll 2,5t
25 851,-
Les mer
Heavy Duty Block Type-PB. Wll 2,5t
20 727,-
Les mer
Heavy Duty Block Type-PB. Wll 3t
35 367,-
Les mer
Daruma Blokk PB single sheave med lager. Wll 1,6t
7 551,-
Les mer
Daruma Blokk PB single sheave med lager.Wll 0,7t
5 477,-
Les mer
Daruma Blokk PB single sheave med lager. Wll 1,6t
7 551,-
Les mer
Long Liner Wani-Block. Wll 0,75t
7 239,-
Les mer
Purse Ring Type-O (SCM Roller) str180. Wll 3t
10 479,-
Les mer
Heavy Duty Block Type-PB. Wll 3,5t
35 977,-
Les mer
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Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
Visa allt i Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
Rustfrie Kasteblokker
fiskeutstyr og fartøys utrustning
Sjakler, svivler og C-link
Norsap produkter
Boss Series(Frekhaug Stål)
Frakt policy
Boss Series(Frekhaug Stål)
Asano jernvare, blokker,sjakkler og taljer
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